Furlong Park School for Deaf Children provides a supportive learning environment that promotes the development of individuals. We foster student’s personal, social and academic growth, independence and self-worth by valuing creativity and acceptance of all learning styles.
Our school has 4 VALUES which we follow:
I am a Learner
I care for Others
I am Responsible
I am Safe
The school uses a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) focus that acknowledges those student behaviours which we recognise as ones we want to see in our classrooms, in our playground, on our buses and in the community.
Students are awarded colour stickers to add to their 10s frame and these are presented at Friday school assemblies. In publicly recognising and thanking students for behaving in ways that support our school values, we have been changing our school culture to one that supports positive behaviours. Students who demonstrate our 4 values are provided with positive re-enforcement and their behaviours are modelled to others as ones to follow and emulate.