The Physical Education (PE) and Sport Program at Furlong Park School for Deaf Children is linked to the Movement and Physical Activity strand of the Victorian Curriculum’s Health and Physical Education Learning Area spanning levels A-D and Foundation – Level 6.
Our PE program aims to generate a level of wellbeing, encompassing fitness and enjoyment of physical activity by having students more motivated to move, confident to move and competent to move. This includes combining age/stage appropriate experiences, across a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments and incorporating a variety of equipment and technology.
Through-out the PE program student’s fundamental motor skills are developed such as running, jumping, throwing, catching, kicking, batting, ball bouncing supporting students to be active and skilled participants in challenging play. These skills are further developed through involvement in minor and major games, fitness, circus, dance, inter-school and additional sports such as athletics, tennis, football, netball, cricket, basketball, hockey, volleyball, gymnastics, aquatics, rogaining and specialised clinics involving community and mentor partnerships.
All students participate in a 60-minute PE session with the PE teacher every week. An intensive two-week swimming program is conducted annually in term 1 and a Bike Education Program is conducted each second year. Students participate annually in our Victorian Deaf Sports Day in tri-skills, track and field events.